Submission Guidelines

Step-by-step instructions to upload your publication


Our journal aspires to the highest standards of research quality and presentation. As we explore the frontier the digital era of multimedia publication, we hope to guide your preparation of digital content to meet our highest expectation.

Types of Articles

Research Article

Presents completely novel objective findings based on the scientific method with clinical significance

Review Article

Summarizes current understanding of a topic cultivated from previously published material

Case Report

Detailed description of a unique patient presentation and treatment strategy using intraop footage

Meta Analysis

Bring together a wealth of data in a visually streamlined fashion to guide future care

Quality Control


Intraoperative videos with interspaced text slides highlighting key learning points are perfectly acceptable.

If interview style footage of an individual speaking is used, strict studio set-up is required to ensure abundant lighting and lack of distracting background.

Resolution     720p or 1080p
File format     MOV or MP4
Duration     3 min to 0 min
File Size     less than 3GB


Audio recording with camera an onboard microphone is strictly prohibited. The microphone must be positioned within 30 cm of the subject.

If subject appearing on screen
    use clip-on lavalier microphone
If intraoperative footage
   use off-screen handheld microphone (eg iphone)
   to overlay the sound during editing


Opening slide is required with full title, authors, institution, and city.

Captions are preferred at the bottom of the screen in addition to voice narration.

References are encouraged at the bottom of the screen in addition to overall submitted reference list.

Submission Process

Online System

Surgery Multimedia Journal uses a streamlined online submission system that allows you to track your publication throughout the review process. Authors are required to create a free account in order to facilitate correspondence and file tracking of revisions.
To create an account, click here.


Submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis for entry into our biannual publications. You are welcome to submit your work anytime. The next publication will be released Fall 2018.

Review Process

Blind peer review will score be used to score the submission. If accepted, the article will be reviewed by the video quality committee to ensure that it meets the highest standards of audiovisual production. Once accepted to meet the highest standards of research content and audiovisual presentation quality, the editorial Board will review the submission. Thereafter, the Editor-In-Chief will have final judgement.

For more details, click here.

Reference Format

Live Video Citations

References will be submitted via textbox on the electronic form accompanying the video submission. This will appear on the dedicated electronic page of the film after publication. Nevertheless, we encourage the practice of inserting these text citations as small footnotes at the bottom of the video frame when that article is referenced.


Journal Articles
Lastname AB, Lastname CD, Lastname DE. Article title in all lowercase. Journal Title. 2008; 4(2): 77-83.

Book Chapters
Last, AB. Section Title. Book/Anthology. Ed. First M. Last. City: Publisher, Year Published. Page(s).

Conference Presentations
Lastname AB, Lastname CD, Lastname DE. Article title in all lowercase. Journal Title. 2008; 4(2): 77-83.

Final Appearance

HTML Layout
The master publication page will contain relevant scientific data as well as important indexing metadata. All changes to the publication will be considered current as they are displayed on this official publication page. Layout changes are subject to change without notice as requirements, standards, and demands of the journal develop over time.
For more a live interactive sample, click here.
Video Embedding
Video files will be hosted on the vimeo server. This will allow you to embed files in other multimedia applications in accordance with user privileges and creative commons guidelines.