Current Issue

Volume 1, Issue 1 - Prepublication Sample
This is a sample of how the first edition of the journal will appear. Video files for each accepted submission will appear sequentially and have brief details listed alongside. Therein, visitors will be able to click to the main publication page, which will have the detailed abstract and citations, along with additional metadata. These video files will be allowed to be embedded in websites of the author or author's institution.

Sample Publication

Sample Publication

This is a sample publication video to demonstrate how accepted videos will appear on this site. Users can click below to access the main publication page for further details.

  • Created Using: Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Completed on: 15 March 2017
  • By: Author Name Here

Sample Publication

Sample Publication

This is a sample publication video to demonstrate how accepted videos will appear on this site. Users can click below to access the main publication page for further details.

  • Created Using: Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Completed on: 15 March 2017
  • By: Author Name Here

Sample Publication

Sample Publication

This is a sample publication video to demonstrate how accepted videos will appear on this site. Users can click below to access the main publication page for further details.

  • Created Using: Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Completed on: 15 March 2017
  • By: Author Name Here